Opening Hours

Monday: 8am - 8pm

Tuesday: 8am - 8pm

Wednesday: 9am - 8pm

Thursday: 7am - 8pm

Friday: 9am - 2pm

Saturday: 8am - 1pm

Sunday: Closed


A modern facelift procedure is intended to address the three main components of facial aging. Skin surface aging due to sun damage, smoking, genetics, or other causes can be treated topically at the time of the procedure. Loosened  dense membranes beneath the cheek skin which contribute to jowling can be repaired. Separation and loosening of the muscles in the neck can cause stranding and loss of the youthful neck angle. These can also be repaired. Deflation and loss of fat in the midface and particularly around the mouth (sink and sag) can be addressed using recent improvements in fat transfer techniques. Transferred fat is heavily laden with stem cells and growth factors and several recent biopsy studies have confirmed that these cells can result in gradual and sometimes dramatic tissue quality improvements. By repairing the deep structures, skin can simply be redraped and excess removed, eliminating the over stretched "done" look.

Reasons for Considering a Facelift:

  • Any or all components of facial aging.

General Procedure

The surgical options and expected recovery will be discussed in detail at your consultation. Many relevant before and after photographs can be reviewed. The standard procedure for a facelift commonly involves making small incisions just inside the hairline, following the contour of the ear, and continuing under the earlobe to the backside of the ear and to the lower scalp.

A face lift may take several hours or longer depending on whether other cosmetic procedures are performed at the same time.

Recovery Process

Immediately after surgery, a short term dressing is applied. In our practice, dressings are removed after three days and the patient may shampoo. Typically, drainage tubes are NOT used.Generally, post-operative instructions call for limited movement in order to speed up the healing and recovery process.  The sutures and/or clips are normally removed within a week. Patients sometimes report some minor pain associated with surgery.  Any discomfort can be treated effectively with oral medication. While complications are rare, patients can minimize potential problems by carefully following the directions given after the procedure.